Thermophilic Cheese Culture (5)

Used in making Parmesan, Romano and Swiss and other Italian style cheeses. This culture is added directly to your milk and takes all the muss and fuss out of the culturing process.
Thermophilic Cheese Culture (5)
Base price with tax
Description Used in making Parmesan, Romano and Swiss and other Italian style cheeses. This culture is added directly to your milk and takes all the muss and fuss out of the culturing process.

CULTURE INCLUDES: s. thermophilus, d.s.lactis, helveticus and malto dextrin

Each packet will set 2 gallons of milk.

DIRECTIONS: Add 1 packet directly into your milk at the proper temperature when the recipe calls for adding starter culture.

STORAGE: Keep packages in the freezer, they will last up to 2 years.